Strategic planning, business management, HR

The sharing economy regulation in Italy and related examples
They call it by many names: sharing economy, collaborative consumption, peer-to-peer economy, on-demand economy. For now it's a niche sector, but for experts it will be worth $ 335 billion by 2025. Don't you believe it? If you have already rented an apartment on Airbnb, called an Uber or received a lift with BlaBlaCar then you have already experienced the sharing economy. These are just some of the examples of business based on sharing, where you do not buy but enjoy and the goods become services that can be used by the community (free or paid). A type of business with which you can also put your savings to good use, find out how to invest in the sharing economy. People have been sharing products and services for thousands of years, but the advent of the internet, and the use of big data, have made it easier to combine supply and demand through online platforms or smartphone apps. The sharing economy, however, has its advantages and disadvantages. Collaborative consumption does not only have benefits, not to mention the fact that Covid 19 has made sharing a real puzzle, sending the prospects of many companies into crisis. In this text we will try to better explain what the sharing economy is and how widespread it is in Italy.
The Importance of Teamwork: Ways to Improve your Organization's Team-working Skills
The purpose of this article is to provide an outline of the importance of teamwork. First, a definition of the term teamwork is provided, followed by a discussion of its importance. Finally, the author presents different methods of improving an organisation’s team working skills.
Social and Solidarity Economy: Examples of Cypriot Companies
The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed outline of Cyprus's social and solidarity economy. First, definitions of the social and solidarity economies are provided, followed by a presentation of the Cypriot firms active in them. People in low-income countries continue to encounter difficulties in the workplace, such as unstable working and living situations, contamination of living areas, and overexploitation of natural resources. These difficulties have not been limited to underdeveloped countries in recent years. Unfortunately, good working conditions do not appear to be consistent with the core economic model over the world. The social and solitary economy should be examined as a possible alternative.
Funding opportunities for youths in Cyprus
The purpose of this article is to provide a general overview of youth entrepreneurship. This article presents the problems faced by young people in the Cypriot market who wish to become entrepreneurs. Subsequently, the importance of youth participation in entrepreneurship is discussed. Finally, the financing sources and programs that encourage youth entrepreneurship in Cyprus are presented.
Resilient sector: Examples of Cypriot Companies that Developed Circular Economy
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the circular economy in Cyprus. The main ideas of the circular economy are discussed, as well as a broad overview of some resilient sectors. There is also a discussion of factors impeding the transition of cypriot economy from a linear model to a circular one. Next, we'll discuss the Cypriot government's adoption of the "National Action Plan for the Strengthening of the Circular Economy 2021-2027." Finally, there is an important reference and detailed explanation for businesses (for-profit and nonprofit organisations) in Cyprus that promote and utilise circular economy ideas.
New Funding opportunities for women entrepreneurship in Cyprus
Women have the organisational skills, instincts, social responsibility, and flexibility essential in business. They are involved in risk perception and preventing the negative consequences of bad business practices in an active, innovative, and proactive manner. Women's economic participation is increasing in the majority of countries around the world. Indeed, in many countries, fostering women entrepreneurs is an essential component of programs aimed at eliminating unemployment, promoting gender equality, and boosting their entrepreneurial potential. This article seeks to provide an overview of women's entrepreneurship in Europe, with a focus on the funding programs available in Cyprus. A broader picture is given of the representation of women in business, the obstacles encountered in women's entrepreneurship and women’s reasons for choosing to become entrepreneurs. Finally, the article presents and explains in depth the financial support programs that are offered for the promotion and development of women's entrepreneurship in Cyprus.
Examples of Greek companies in the field of Social and Solidarity Economy
The Municipal Market of Kypseli – Greece is presented as an example of enterprises in the field of local Social and Solidarity Economy in Greece. The renovation of the Municipal Market of Kypseli building by the Municipality of Athens was funded using EU resources (Attika Regional Operational Program, NSRF 2007 -2013). The following shops and social organisations operate within the Municipal Market of Kypseli: WISE GREECE - Small food producers from all over Greece sell their products and the profit is turned into food for fellow human beings who live on the edge of poverty. RESTART - Recycling of computers and laptops. Volunteers collect donations of computers and repair them in order to cover the shortages of schools throughout the country. SECOND HAND SHOP ARCHIPELAGO - A second-hand store, aiming at creating jobs for people with psychosocial problems. The aim is to promote circular economy and zero waste practices. Gallery 13m2 - Gallery and silkscreen workshops organised by the Special Education Laboratory "Margarita" and its students. Professional beneficiaries of "Margarita" are also trained with a view to working in the open market. Re-play toys - The goal of the shop is to reuse toys and offer joy and pleasure to young and old (Reuse to Reduce). All available toys are checked and disinfected. New toys are also for sale. In addition to the permanent stores, the following Pop-up markets also operate: Pop-up Brunch , Super Kypseli , Garden – MPOSTANI Finally cultural events, courses, educational activities and experiential seminars are organised in the Municipal Market of Kypseli.
Business funding opportunities in Greece
Several business funding programs and initiatives are currently active in Greece. The text presents five of them, namely: i. the call for applications for participation in Measure 11 "Organic Agriculture" of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 ii. the Rural Development Guarantee Fund aiming at financing farmers, groups of producers, agricultural cooperatives & small and medium enterprises of agri-food for the implementation of investment plans through low interest loans iii. the Business financing from the Entrepreneurship Fund through low-interest financing products resulting from the co-investment between the Entrepreneurship Fund and Greek banks iv. Microfinancing of Greek banking institutions in collaboration with the European Investment Fund aiming at strengthening very small businesses and vulnerable groups, providing loans on preferential terms and reduced collateral v. The EEGGF Investment Guarantee Fund for lending to SMEs with preferential terms and reduced collateral.
Funding opportunities in Greece via the New Development Law
Recently the Hellenic Parliament passed the new Development Law, focusing on the promotion of the economic development of the country through incentives in specific activities and sectors. Its aims include: the digital and technological transformation of companies; green transition; creating economies of scale; supporting investments in innovation and "Industry 4.0" technologies, robotics and artificial intelligence; strengthening human resources with specialised personnel; supporting new entrepreneurship; strengthening less developed areas; supporting tourism; and improved competitiveness in sectors of high added value. According to the Development Law, state aid may be provided to new business ventures in all sectors of Economy, both to established companies and startups.
Examples of Greek companies in the field of Agri-food sector
The agri-food sector of the Economy is related to making, processing, preparing and packaging food products for human consumption. Its raw materials come from the primary sector; specifically from agriculture, livestock and fisheries. There are several examples of SSE entities from Greece that operate successfully in this industry. Some of them are presented below. Women Associations SCE "Women Associations" is a Social Cooperative Enterprise funded by a group of five women with relevant professional training. brings traditional products made by Womens Cooperatives throughout Greece to the door of its customers. The company is of a social nature and for this purpose will offer 1% of its annual turnover to its affiliated cooperatives. Plus the coop adopts environmentally friendly practices (Reduce – Reuse - Recycle). 3S School Synergy Snacks 3S started as an award-winning Student Virtual Enterprise that managed to become a reality. The company employs creative young people with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disorders, and produces gluten- and sugar-free Energy Nuts Bars of high nutritional value, made with natural and high quality ingredients. Nostal-Gaia Α Social Cooperative Enterprise funded in the city of Larissa in 2012 by five women entrepreneurs. Its activities include cultivation, processing, packaging and distribution of aromatic and medicinal plants, herbal oils, creams, pastries, jams etc., with the vision of contributing to the knowledge, recording and research of aromatic and medicinal plants. Canncurecollective - CBD Cannabis Products The social cooperative company Canncurecollective was founded in 2017 and is active in the field of cultivation and processing of industrial cannabis. It aspires to change the game of modern self-care. Bios Coop The Social Consumer Cooperative of Thessaloniki "Bios Coop" opened the non-profit cooperative grocery store in the city of Thessaloniki in 2013. The grocery store offers a variety of products of guaranteed quality. The lack of intermediaries ensures fair compensation for producers and low prices for customers. GI THESSALIS The social enterprise "GI THESSALIS" was created by 46 beneficiaries of the "BECOME A PRODUCER” program of Local Social Inclusion Activities for vulnerable groups. It is active in the production and marketing of quality fruit and vegetable products and aromatic plants that are grown exclusively by its members, based on the integrated management system and with environmentally friendly procedures.
Examples of Greek companies in the field of Circular Economy
The circular economy is an economic model that focuses on reducing the waste of resources used in the production process, emphasizing the utilization of renewable resources, plant and animal by-products and biodegradable materials, the recovery and reuse of products, but also the production of energy from production process waste, keeping a product in good working order for a long time, using products to provide services to multiple users (sharing economy), and using the service offered by a product rather than owning the product itself . The following Greek social enterprises within the framework of the circular economy are presented below: Plastikourgeio: Plastikourgeio is a private company (P.C.) that offers a variety of activities in the field of plastic recycling and waste reduction: shop, laboratory, plastic collection services & business guidance, seminars, e-shop. BIRDLAND: In 2014, a group of professionals, with years of experience in the wider field of advertising, decided to join their paths and form a Social Cooperative Enterprise. The company is staffed by billposters, graphic designers, project managers and can vertically meet almost any advertising need nowadays. 3QUARTERS: it is a circular fashion brand from Athens and handcrafts one of a kind products (bags, accessories) from reclaimed balcony awnings. PHEE: it is managed to become the first company in the world to fully use seaweed as a raw material. It is an innovative, natural raw material, which was developed and standardized to take the form of the PHEE-board; a flat panel, made of discarded Poseidonia leaves and organic resins
Examples of companies in Italy in the field of social and solidarity economy
Social and solidarity economy is an innovative economy anchored to the territory, which generates co-production of knowledge, goods and social services on the basis of cooperation (rather than competition) between different actors and sectors. It recognizes the value of people and their needs, their skills and their work, and promotes social inclusion and cohesion. The values of the social economy are solidarity, collaboration, sharing, responsibility, co-participation, co-construction, equality, inclusion and social justice, cohesion and social utility. Promote the growth of social ties and relationships based on cooperation, reciprocity, value (rather than price), being a community. Stimulate the development of organizational forms related to the social and solidarity economy (cooperatives and pre-cooperatives, mutual support groups, associative enterprises, microcredit groups with horizontal mechanisms, etc.). Accompany the experiments of social enterprises in the work areas in a qualified way, try to link them together and promote healthy 'networking'. Encourage comparison, exchange of information and experiences, mutual enrichment, between social economy experiences in the North and South of the world, as well as in the South-South direction. In the following text we will see, even with some examples, the state of the social and solidarity economy in Italy.
Funding opportunities for women entrepreneurship in Italy
To date, little more than one in 6 companies in Italy is led by women. According to the latest report by the Unioncamere Observatory on Female Entrepreneurship, in fact, out of 6 million companies present on national soil, only 1.3 million are female. About 153 thousand are young female entrepreneurs. By female entrepreneurship we mean the set of activities owned by women or in which the shares of the shareholder structure are for the most part held by women. The female entrepreneurship sector in Italy has been hit hard by the health crisis. At the end of 2019, female enterprises registered in the register of chambers of commerce were 1 million 340 thousand, an increase compared to 2014 by over 38 thousand units. After years of uninterrupted growth, in 2020 there was a sharp decline in the expansion of the sector, which has thus fallen to the growth levels of male companies. The data on the impact of the pandemic on the employment market is also important: almost exclusively women lost their jobs in 2020 (98% of the new unemployed). In the face of these data, the MISE considered it appropriate to develop non-repayable forms of loans for women in 2022. According to Unioncamere-Infocamere data on the first quarter of last year, despite the difficulties, managers under 35 are once again driving the creation of new businesses (+ 8.1%). The recently approved new measures, which the Impresa Donna Fund is also part of, want to re-establish the trend of economic growth that is also sustainable from a social point of view. Explicit objectives are to promote the participation of women in the business world, support their skills and creativity for the start-up of new business activities and the implementation of innovative projects. In this text we will see the main financing instruments for women's businesses.
Funding opportunities for youths in Italy
Starting to carry out your own project or developing a business in the absence of a paycheck or a permanent contract is now possible thanks to the wide range of loans that many public bodies and credit institutions make available to young entrepreneurs of age. between 18 and 35 years old. Considering the high rates of youth unemployment in Italy and the arduous search for economic stability by recent graduates and professionals at the beginning of their careers, banks have adopted paths and tools aimed at facilitating those in need of extra liquidity while not being able to provide income guarantees. A young person who aspires to become an entrepreneur must therefore know the various forms of financing he can turn to and the relative access requirements, in order to choose the most convenient option for obtaining credit and starting his own business. In this text we will analyze the various forms of financing for young NEETs with particular reference to Microcredit which is the most accessible and most used tool in Italy, thanks also to the work of the National Body for Microcredit which deals, at national level, with promote this tool.
Banking activities in the Spanish Financial System: Intermediation
The aim of this article is to describe the most important intermediation activities in the Spanish financial system. Assets and liabilities involved in banking intermediation are described in detail. Liabilities (bank accounts) are explained first, followed by assets (credit cards, loans...)
Examples of Spanish companies in the field of social and solidarity economy
The current configuration of the Spanish Social Economy is marked by the approval of the Spanish Law 5/2011, of 29th March, on Social Economy, which undoubtedly represented an unprecedented turning point for recognition, visibility, and development, both within the State itself and the European Union. Spain currently ranks among the top European countries in terms of companies whose activity is based on social goals—prevailing over economic capital. In short, all these companies share common initiatives aimed towards internal and external (with society) solidarity, which promote commitment to local development, equal opportunities between men and women, social cohesion, job placement for people at risk of social exclusion, creation of stable and quality employment, work and family life, and sustainability, among other things.
Examples of Spanish companies in the field of social economy
The transformations of the last decades in the world of work have led to a growing attention towards the organizations that make up the social and solidarity economy, defined as "a broad set of organizations and companies structured specifically with the purpose of producing goods, services and knowledge while pursuing both economic and social ends, working to promote solidarity.” In recent decades, these organizations have proven to be extremely dynamic, growing in many countries faster than the rest of the economy and demonstrating a good capacity for innovation, as evidenced by their ability to find new solutions to old and new social problems. In this context, the report "The most relevant companies of the Social Economy 2020-2021" prepared by CEPES, indicates that in Spain there are 43,192 Social Economy companies, the turnover of this business model represents 10% of GDP and generates 2,184,234 direct and indirect.