Strategic planning, business management, HR
Strategic planning, business management, HR
Examples of companies in Italy in the field of social and solidarity economy
Social and solidarity economy is an innovative economy anchored to the territory, which generates co-production of knowledge, goods and social services on the basis of cooperation (rather than competition) between different actors and sectors. It recognizes the value of people and their needs, their skills and their work, and promotes social inclusion and cohesion. The values of the social economy are solidarity, collaboration, sharing, responsibility, co-participation, co-construction, equality, inclusion and social justice, cohesion and social utility. Promote the growth of social ties and relationships based on cooperation, reciprocity, value (rather than price), being a community. Stimulate the development of organizational forms related to the social and solidarity economy (cooperatives and pre-cooperatives, mutual support groups, associative enterprises, microcredit groups with horizontal mechanisms, etc.). Accompany the experiments of social enterprises in the work areas in a qualified way, try to link them together and promote healthy 'networking'. Encourage comparison, exchange of information and experiences, mutual enrichment, between social economy experiences in the North and South of the world, as well as in the South-South direction. In the following text we will see, even with some examples, the state of the social and solidarity economy in Italy.