Strategic planning, business management, HR

Strategic planning, business management, HR

Examples of Spanish companies in the field of social economy
The transformations of the last decades in the world of work have led to a growing attention towards the organizations that make up the social and solidarity economy, defined as "a broad set of organizations and companies structured specifically with the purpose of producing goods, services and knowledge while pursuing both economic and social ends, working to promote solidarity.” In recent decades, these organizations have proven to be extremely dynamic, growing in many countries faster than the rest of the economy and demonstrating a good capacity for innovation, as evidenced by their ability to find new solutions to old and new social problems. In this context, the report "The most relevant companies of the Social Economy 2020-2021" prepared by CEPES, indicates that in Spain there are 43,192 Social Economy companies, the turnover of this business model represents 10% of GDP and generates 2,184,234 direct and indirect.